Isolation and application of oil-degradation microbes from the oil-contaminated soil and the determination of optimal operation conditions about the peat moss, the addition for the oil-biodegradation. After all experiments, we have acquired three important conclusions: First, we found out the 4 microbes, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pseudomonas aeruinosa, Kurtia sp., Bacillus ceres, with excellent capability for the oil-degradation; Second, the optimal operating conditions of the peat moss for TPH treatment were pH 7~8, temperature 25~30oC, water content 20%, mixing 2 times/ day, addition volume 2%; Third, in case of the application to the oil-contaminated soil with 4 mixed microbes, the removal efficiency of TPH was increased from 54% to 83% in oil-contaminated soil and from 65% to 85% in oil-contaminated soil with the peat moss.