최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

건강검진 안저검사에서 이상 소견을 보여 안과에 내원한 환자의 임상양상 분석

Clinical Features of Patients Who Visited Eye Clinic with Fundus Photography Abnormality at Health Screening

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Purpose: To analyze the actual diagnosis and clinical features of patients who visited the eye clinic due to abnormal findings on the fundus photograph taken for screening purposes at the health screening. Methods: From February 2014 to July 2019, the medical records of patients whose fundus photography were suspect to be abnormal in the mass screening test were analyzed. Results: The average age of the patients was 53.6 ± 12.0 years (range, 22-81 years), and the average period to visit the eye clinic after screening was 41.3 days. The most frequent findings were identified as glaucoma suspect (n = 235), followed by retinal lesion (n = 212), media opacity (n = 49), and others (n = 48). The most common abnormalities in retinal abnormalities were drusen (n = 49, 20.5%), epiretinal membrane (n = 42, 17.6%), vascular disease (n = 29, 12.1%) and macular degeneration (n = 24, 10%). Of the patients who were suspicious of glaucoma, 42 patients (16.8%) were diagnosed as glaucoma after thorough ophthalmic examination. Among the patients with media opacity, 43 patients (78.2%) were diagnosed with cataract. Of the 544 patients, 450 patients (82.7%) were in condition requiring treatment or periodic ophthalmic examination. Conclusions: For rapid diagnosis and treatment, taking fundus photography at health screening is highly recommended. We found that detailed ophthalmic examination would be helpful for patients who visited the ophthalmology clinic with fundus abnormalities after health screening.

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