Korean certification regulation for particulate filtering respirators requires inward leakage (IL) test as European Standards (EN) and the standard levels of regulation are the same as those of EN. This study was conducted to evaluate particulate filtering respirators being commercially used in the market by using IL and assess the characteristics of IL. The study began with discussing the concept of IL, comparison of IL with fit test, and IL measurement method. Three brands of half masks and 10 brands of filtering facepieces (two top class, four 1st class and four 2nd class), total 13 brands respirators, and 10 test panels (subjects) who were classified in 9 facial grids in accordance with face length and lip length, were selected for IL test. IL tests were conducted in the laboratory of 3M Innovation Center which was established by EN standard. As expected ILs of half masks were lower than those of filtering facepiece mask. ILs of half masks and some filtering facepieces were significantly different in manufacturers. ILs of 1st class filtering facepieces were found to be much more than those of 2nd class and thus the result would cause wearers to get confused to select a mask. Four of six brands being no compliance with standards were thought that they should be tested again for certification because of a lot of differences from standards. There were no significant differences among ILs of five exercises. In 6 out of 13 brands lognormal distribution of ILs may be a better fit distribution and in 7 brands both lognormal and normal distributions were rejected. The result indicates that geometric mean may be better than arithmetic mean to establish standard.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구방법
Ⅲ. 결과 및 고찰
Ⅳ. 결론