I performed the research about the drinking water treatment by precoat filtration and activated carbon adsorption process in the D water treatment plant at Gwangju. D water treatment plant inlet water is supplied from Juam lake in Jeollanamdo.The results are as follows;1. Element disk used in this experiment are R(pore size 10 mm), B(pore size 20 mm). And diatomaceous earth are A(cake pore size 3.5 mm), B(cake pore size 7 mm) and C(cake pore size 17 mm)2. Filtrate of precoat filter during 30 min are B-C 10.2 > BB 5.7 > R-A 5.4 (m3/m2).3. The water quality through B-C+AC and R-A+AC are DOC 1.76 mg/l, 1.288 mg/l respectively.4. Total THMs produced by chlorination are 84.2 mg/l (B-C+AC), 66.11 mg/l (R-A+AC), 97 mg/l (rapid sand filtration water) respectively.5. The R-A+AC and B-C+AC process can be substitute of CWTS.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 실험 장치 및 방법
Ⅲ. 결과 및 고찰
Ⅳ. 결론