The photocatalytic oxidation of Rhodamine B(RhB) was studied using photocatalytic reactor filled with module of quartz tube. Module of quartz tube consisted of small quartz tube (inner diameter, 1.5 mm; outer diameter, 3 mm) bundle coated with powder TiO2 and uncoated large quartz tube (inner diameter, 20 mm; outer diameter, 22 mm). Two 30 W germicidal lamp was used as the light source and the reactor volume was 0.5 l. The effects of parameters such as the coating materials and numbers, initial concentration, H2O2 dose and metal deposition (Ag, Pt and Fe) and simultaneous application of H2O2 and metal deposition. The results showed that the initial reaction constant of quartz module coated with powder TiO2 was higher 1.4 time than that of the TiO2 sol and optimum coating number is twice. In order to increase reaction rate, simultaneous application of photocatalytic and photo-fenton reaction using Fe coating and dose H2O2 dose increased reaction rate largely.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구방법
Ⅲ. 결과 및 고찰
Ⅳ. 결론