Exposure of skin to UVB radiation can cause the induction of inflammation and impairment of contact hypersensitivity(CHS) response. Several studies have shown that polyphenolic compounds isolated from EGb 761 afford protection against UVB. In this study, we demonstrated that topical application of EGb 761, before 1MED(1.4 KJ/m2), 1.5MED (2.1 KJ/m2), 2MED (2.8 KJ/m2) of UVB exposure to ICR mice prevented UVB-induced inflammation and inhibition of the contact hypersensitivity response. The skin-fold swelling from 1MED, 1.5MED, 2MED of UVB exposure highly significantly increased after twice irradiation. Topical application of EGb 761(0.1%, 1%, 4%), 5 days prior to UVB exposure reduced skin thickness compared to non-treated mice. Exposure of shaved abdominal skin of mice to 1MED, 1.5MED and 2MED of UVB radiation resulted in suppression of contact sensitization through the skin to 56.23%, 65.12%, 74.02%, compared to normal unirradiated skin. Topical application of EGb 761(0.1%, 1%, 4%), 5 days prior to or 5 days after exposure to 1MED and 2MED of UVB resulted in protection against suppression of contact hypersensitivity in mouse dorsal skin. These protective effects were dependent on the dose of EGb 761 employed. The present study show that EGb 761 protect UVB-induced inflammation and immune suppression. Also, we suggest that EGb 761 can provide protection from photoimmunosuppression.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구방법
Ⅲ. 결과 및 고찰
Ⅳ. 결론