This study was conducted to identify the runoff characteristics of non-point source according to rainfall in Nam watershed. Land-uses of the Nam watershed were surveyed paddy field 4.5%, crop field 6.8%, mountainous 78.7%, urban 2.4%, and etc. 7.7%. Mean runoff coefficients in each area were observed I area 0.08, II area 0.08, and III area 0.05. In the relationship between the rainfall and peak-flow, correlation coefficients(r) were investigated I area -0.8609, II area 0.6035, and III area -0.4913. In the relationship between the antecedent dry period and first flow runoff, correlation coefficients(r) were investigated I area -0.9093, II area -0.1039, and III area -0.7317. The discharge of pollutant concentrations relates to the flow rate of storm-water. In the relationship between the rainfall and watershed loading, exponent values of BOD, COD, SS, and T-N were estimated to 1.2751, 1.2003, 1.3744, and 1.1262, respectively.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 조사방법
Ⅲ. 결과 및 고찰
Ⅳ. 결론