최근 검색어 전체 삭제

마이크로웨이브-질산용출에 의한 금 정광의 용해효율과 여과지를 이용한 비-가시성 금 회수

The Dissolution Efficiency of Gold Concentrate with Microwave-nitric Acid Leaching and the Recovery of Invisible Gold Using the Filter Paper

DOI : 10.9719/EEG.2019.52.6.595

본 연구 목적은 비-가시성 금 정광을 마이크로웨이브-질산용출 시키고, 여과지를 이용하여 금을 단순하게 얻고자 하였다. 본 실험에서 사용된 시료의 경우 질산농도별로 마이크로웨이브-질산용출실험을 수행한 결과 Fe, Te, Ag 등은 완전용출(100%) 되었지만, Au는 용해되지 않았다. 용출용액을 3장의 여과지로 여과하여 SEM/EDS 분석한 결과 첫번째, 두 번째 및 세 번째 여과지의 표면 및 단면 모두에서 Au가 검출되었다. 고체-잔류물이 포함된 여과지 3장을 모두 납-시금법에 사용한 결과 질산농도 모두에서 금 입자들이 회수되었다. 최대 금 입자(452.50g/t)가 얻어진 용출조건은 질산농도 6M에서 그리고 마이크로웨이브 조사시간 12분에서였다.

The purpose of this study was simply to obtain gold through a microwave-nitric acid experiment of invisible gold concentrate with the use of filter paper. For the purpose, this study conducted a microwave-nitric acid leaching experiment and examined nitric acid concentration. As a result of the experiment, this study discovered that Fe, Te and Ag were completely leached in the leaching solution whereas Au was not determined in all of the nitric acid conditions. The leaching solution was filtered with three filter papers and then these filter papers were analyzed with SEM/EDS. As a result of the EDS analysis, Au was detected in all of the surface and cross-section of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd filter papers. As the three filter papers containing solid-residue were analysed in the lead-fire assay, gold particles were found in all of the nitric acid conditions. In the lead-fire assay, maximum gold(452.50g/t) was recovered when nitric acid concentration was 6M and microwave leaching time was 12mins.

1. 서 론

2. 시료, 실험 및 분석방법

3. 결과 및 고찰

4. 토 의

5. 결 론

