최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

마우스를 이용한 Clean Natural에 대한 소핵시험

The Micronucleus Test of Clean Natural with Mice

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Clean Natural is a new disinfectant of which main components are propolis and wood vinegar from Quercus mongolica.The mutagenicity of Clean Natural was studied by a micronucleus test in male ICR mice. The maximally tolerateddose (MTI) of Clean Natural was determined to >2.0 g/kg body weight. Therefore, the doses adopted for themicronucleus test was 2.0 g/kg as a high dose, 1.0 g/kg as a medium and 0.5 g/kg as a low of dose, respectively. Eachof group was consisted of three doses of Clean Natural, positive control 2 mg/kg of mitomycin C and negative control20 ml/kg of saline. A slide preparation was made at 24 hours following administration. No significant induction ofmicronuclei was observed in any of the three doses of Clean Natural orally administered. No cytotoxicity such as inhibitionof hemopoiesis was observed in any group of test agent as the rate of polychromatic erythrocytes to total erythrocyteswas over 40%. These results indicate that Clean Natural is not capable of inducing micronuclei in in vivo mousecells and thus has no genotoxicity in micronucleus test.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 재료 및 방법

Ⅲ. 결과 및 고찰

Ⅳ. 결론
