This study was performed to explore the current situation of university environmental health and safety (EHS) systemand evaluate the effects of such system on university EHS practices. Essential elements for the university EHS systemwere identified based on the representative examples of foreign universities, and they were incorporated into a questionnaire,which was used in this study. Among the academic institutions we surveyed in this study, 89% of the universitiesemployed health and safety manager, and 65% kept departments. However, less than 50% of universitiesmaintained EHS policies, maintained health and established safety committees within the university headquarters, andheld health and safety meetings on regular basis. Several basic requirements such as chemical hygiene program and laboratorysafety training program lacked in many universities. Some basic surveillance was performed in many universities,however, only few universities carried out surveillance on biological safety, medical examination, andchemical exposure monitoring. EHS system had significant influence on university EHS program (p<0.05). Performancesof EHS activities were influenced by presence of EHS policies, and university health and safety committees.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구방법
Ⅲ. 결과 및 고찰
Ⅳ. 결론