The purpose of this paper is to investigate the characteristics of human constitution adapting to environment. Humanconstitution adapting to climate zone is basically classified into four types: The Af constitution adapting to warmhumidclimate, the Aw constitution adapting to warm-arid climate, the Dw. constitution adapting to cold-arid climateand the Df.constitution adapting to cold-humid climate. The constitution can be changed into a .constitution byadapting to cold climate or by heredity combination with the .constitution. The .constitution can be changed into aconstitution by adapting to warm climate or by heredity combination with the constitution. The four constitutiontypes consequently can be classified into eight types: The Af constitution, the Af. constitution, the Aw constitution,the Aw. constitution, the Dw. constitution, the Dw constitution, the Df. constitution and the Df constitution. Thisstudy investigated the characteristics of fingers of people with these constitutions and confirmed that the fingers of theconstitution man are longer, slender and cooler than the fingers of the .constitution man.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 환경적응을 통한 체질의 발생
Ⅲ. 사례조사방법
Ⅳ. 사례조사 결과 및 고찰
Ⅴ. 결론