최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


Social Capital, Previous Experience, and Entrepreneurial Opportunity Identification : A Case of Chinese Rural Tourism

DOI : 10.14378/KACS.2021.74.74.21
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Opportunity identification is the core issue of entrepreneurship research, and it is also an important prerequisite for the development of rural tourism. Although entrepreneurial opportunity identification research has achieved more results, there is still a lack of empirical research on rural tourism single industry. Based on social capital and experience learning perspectives, using data from 139 “Minsu” in China, which is now officially called homestay inn in China, we empirically examine the effects of social capital and previous experience on entrepreneurial opportunity identification. The results indicate that scales of embedded network and resources of social network have positively effect on entrepreneurial opportunity identification. The results also show previous industry experience and functional experience have positively effect on entrepreneurial opportunity identification, while previous working experience has no direct effect on entrepreneurial opportunity identification. These results show that entrepreneurs have a denser and larger scale of social network, they will have higher alertness for the potential entrepreneurial opportunities. These results also indicate that the entrepreneurs have more previous industry and functional experience, they will recognize more entrepreneurial opportunities.

1. 绪论

2. 文献回顾和研究假设

3. 研究方法

4. 研究结果

5. 结论与建议

