최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


Comparison of Symbolic Words for Laughing Expressions in Chinese and Korean

DOI : 10.14378/KACS.2021.74.74.8
  • 6


The purpose of this paper is to compare and analyze the morphological characters of mimetic words modifying laughter in Chinese and Korean languages, and their characteristics in morphology, grammar, semantics and pragmatics. In the first chapter of this paper, the purpose and necessity of this subject are analyzed, and the corresponding research is carried out in advance. The second chapter is the definition and category advance of Chinese and Korean imitative words. This paper analyzes the morphological, grammatical, semantic and semantic features of the mimetic words modifying laughter in Chinese and Korean. By analyzing the above three chapters, this paper gives the following revelation: First, the modelling words of laughter in Korean are more abundant than in Chinese, so it is more difficult for Chinese learners to learn them. On the contrary, most of these words are derived from the combination of laughter, so we can generalize the meaning of the word and sum up the words containing laughter.Secondly, the mimic words of Korean are different in tone or form, and the meaning and meaning of Chinese language are different in tone or form, so both Chinese and Korean learners should master the morphology and tone characteristics of the modifier words in each other s language. Finally, both Chinese and Korean mimic words that embellish laughter have more or less restrictions on their use, so learners also need to grasp their linguistic characteristics.

1. 绪论

2. 汉韩拟声拟态词的定义及范畴

3. 汉韩拟声拟态词的特征

4. 结论

