최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

19세기 남중국해 해적과 관군의 전투 기록

Record of the 19th Century Battles between Pirates and Government Forces in the South China Sea : Focusing on Yuan Yong Lun (袁永綸)’s Jing Hai Fun Ji (靖海氛記)

DOI : 10.14378/KACS.2021.74.74.4
  • 22

청대 袁永綸이 쓴 필기 『靖海氛記』는 18세기 말부터 19세기 초까지, 중국 남부 해상에 창궐하던 해적을 토벌한 기록이다. 중국의 역사 사료 중 『정해분기』 만큼 해적에 대한 다양한 내용을 담고 있는 문헌은 드물다. 안타깝게도 1830년에 초판이 출간된 후, 중국에서는 유실되어 전하지 않다가, 2007년 대영도서관에서 판본이 발견되었다. 현재까지 『정해분기』에 대한 전면적인 연구는 상당히 부족한 편이다. 이에 본 논문은 작가 원영륜과 『정해분기』의 판본, 영역본을 소개하고, 『정해분기』의 내용을 해적단의 형성과 세력 확장, 분열과 투항이라는 흐름에 따라 나누어 살펴본 후, 이를 기초로 그 특징과 의의를 분석하였다.

Jing Hai Fun Ji (靖海氛記) was written by Chinese writer Yuan Yong Lun. This book is a record of destroying pirates who were active in southern China from the late 18th century to the early 19th century. Very few Chinese historical records contain various contents about pirates, such as Jing Hai Fun Ji (靖海氛記). However, the book disappeared from China after it was first published in 1830 in Guangdong. It was not until 2007 that the edition was discovered at the British Library. About 13 years have passed since Jing Hai Fun Ji was introduced, but little research has been done on it. This paper is divided into five chapters. The first is the introduction. The second is the life of writer Yuan Yong-lun (袁永綸), and the Chinese and English translations of Jing Hai Fun Ji (靖海氛記). Currently, there are two Chinese and two English versions. Thirdly, the content of Jing Hai Fun Ji (靖海氛記) was examined according to the flow of the pirate corps’ formation, expansion of power, division and surrender. Fourth, we analyzed the characteristics and significance of Jing Hai Fun Ji (靖海氛記) based on content analysis. The fifth is the conclusion. Through this paper, I hope that Jing Hai Fun Ji (靖海氛記) will raise the interest of domestic researchers and look forward to various follow-up studies.

1. 들어가며

2. 작가 원영륜과 『정해분기』의 판본, 영역본

3. 『정해분기』의 내용

4. 『정해분기』의 특징과 의의

5. 나오며

