최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

‘擧銃’과 ‘執筆’ 사이

Between ‘Shoot Aiming’ and ‘Writing’ : Several Ways to Newly Read “Ju Fen” (菊芬) of Jiang Guang Ci

DOI : 10.14378/KACS.2021.74.74.2
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프로문학이 갖는 정치성은 어떤 스펙트럼을 보여줄 수 있을까? 蔣光慈는 기존의 평가(혁명+연애의 클리셰)와는 달리 색다른 소재와 콘셉트를 시도하여 프로문학의 地境을 넓혀간 작가임을 기억할 필요가 있다. 존재의 외연을 확장하는 일. 감정의 파동이 일어나는, 가장 내밀한 실존으로의 침잠. 이 모순된 방향의 움직임이 蔣光慈의 서사에서는 동시에 포착된다. 蔣光慈는 혁명의 파고를 관통하면서 첨예한 아이덴티티의 ‘경계’를 경험했던 문제적 인물들을 그려낸다. 주류 서사와 비주류 서사가 공존하는 蔣光慈의 세계는 좌익문학사에서 독특한 위치를 점한다. 무엇보다 혁명의 관습과 윤리가 힘을 잃는 내면의 깊은 곳, 그곳에서 마주하게 되는 공허함은 혁명 서사의 圖式을 뛰어넘는 어떤 울림을 선사한다. 본고는 그 울림과 함께 ‘이데올로기’를 초월하는 ‘개체’의 존립 가능성을 蔣光慈의 『菊芬』 속에서 탐색해 보고자 한다.

Is there any other possibility for the relationship between literature and politics other than remaining as an incurable symptom? It was this question that led me to a novel by Jiang Guang Ci (蔣光慈). Two movements toward contradictory directions, one toward the extension of existence range and the other toward to concentration in the existence in the deepest inside felt as a wave of emotion are captured simultaneously in the narrative by Jiang Guang Ci. He asks what the usefulness of literature is in the high waves of the revolution, and how poor the exclusive feeling enjoyed by the order of revolution is. These are the reason the world of his literature where mainstream and non-mainstream narratives coexist is unique. Above all, the emptiness encountered in the deep inside where the ethics and custom of the revolution lose their power leaves us an impression that goes beyond the typical scheme of the revolutionary narrative. This study, in a novel by Jiang Guang Ci, explores the possibility of existence of the ‘object’ that overcomes the ‘ideology’. While the politics in real life is in the realm of ‘institution’, that in literature is in the realm of ‘sensation and awareness’. Considering that there is difference in the pattern of intervening politics between literature and real world, is it possible for the literature, through the convergence and divergence determining the condition of our life, such as conflicts between words occurring due to the fixation of the existing system, between institutional norms and ethics, between the oppressive structure and the desire to escape from the structure, and conflicts over the preoccupation of current and future values, to transform the real world in the situation where the poetic sentiments are inhibited by politics of the real world? The Jiang Guang Ci‘s novel rekindles the fundamental skepticism that literature itself may be politically helpless. If it is accepted positively, however, that Ju fen‘s participation in the revolution had some relation to the affection(情感) germinated from the ’poetic sensibility‘ the politics of literature may be regarded a goal that should not be abandoned. Although the process of visualizing of literary sensibility and affection as a political capability remains uncompleted, ’Ju Fen ‘(菊芬) written by Jiang Guang Ci is worth reading again in that this novel fills the uncompleted space in a novel way.

1. 들어가는 말

2. 詩人/革命家

3. 葛藤과 昏迷의 敍事

4. “我是一個革命文學家?”

5. 결론에 대신하여

