최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

일본의 인구 정책과 가족 변화

The Population Policies and Changes in the Families in Japan

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2020..91.020
  • 84


This study examined how families of Japan changed due to the two population policies of the Japanese Government after 1950s. Population decreasing policies of the Japanese Government in the 1950s were artificial abortion and family planning movement in accordance with the Eugenic Protection Law. The reason for low birthrate policy of the government to produce satisfactory results was because the government, private organizations and companies pulled together to develop various activities nationwide. Qualitative/quantitative adjustments of population by the government realized a low birthrate, connected to the philosophy of modern family, which was generalized with the formation of modern families. The low birthrate of Japan, which was initially aimed at by the Japanese government, remained below the level of population displacement after 1990s. Taking the low birthrate situation, the Japanese government has pushed ahead with various birthrate increasing policies, but the families in Japan went against the policies and have been heading toward a serious low birthrate. The background of modern Japan’s low birthrate is related to changes in marriage behavior and childbirth of married couples.

1. 서론

2. 1950년대 이후 인구억제 정책과 가족 변화

3. 1990년대 이후 인구증가 정책과 가족의 저출산화

4. 결론
