최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

강제된 이동과 피카돈

The Forced Movement and Pikadon

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2020..91.011

本稿は日本と韓国、二つの国家からも疎外された朝鮮人被爆者たちを積極的に世間に知らせたり支援してきた日本詩人の詩を紹介するとともに、日本人の文学作品の中から現われる朝鮮人被爆者たちに関わる証言記録や被爆体験記をも研究対象とした。作品の中で朝鮮人被爆者たちが差別や排除されてきた痛みについて考察し、日本のナショナル·アイデンティティより排除してきた日本の構造、すなわち差別問題、民族問題、独占資本の問題など、帝国主義の矛盾について指摘した。また、韓国からも意図的に排除され忘れられた存在となった被爆者に対し、ナショナル·アイデンティティに利用されやすい原爆の性格についても分析した。 彼らのメッセージ性強い文学作品により朝鮮人被爆者の存在は世間に知られ認識されたのことにも注目し、文学を通し過去の過ちや間違った歴史認識を訴える戦いがあるかぎり核廃絶と共存への希望は期待できるだろうと展望した。さらに平和への文学的可能性についても穿鑿してみようと試みた。

In this article, I discuss the works of the Japanese poets who supported those Chosun people who suffered from atomic bombs and who were excluded from the two countries. Also, I analyse the record of witnesses and experiences concerning the Chosun victims of atomic bombs, as described in the Japanese literary work. I consider their pain which arose from their discrimination and exclusion and point out the Imperial contradictions such as the problem of discrimination, the issue of tribes, and exclusive capitalism, which represent the structure of Japanese which had been excluded under the name of the Japanese national identity. Further, I also analyse the way in which the concept of atomic bomb is often made use of to build a national identity for the Chosun victims, who had been intentionally excluded from Korea. Their expressive literary works remarkably enhanced the recognition of these Chosun victims, and our hope for the total abolition of nuclear weapons and our co-existence is promising as long as one keeps correcting the wrong understanding of a history based on such literary works. I further delve into the power of literature to create a peace.

1. 들어가며

2. 재한 피폭자들의 삼중고

3. 잔류 방사능 α선의 행방

4. 일본인 피폭 체험기 속의 조선인

5. 나오며-원폭으로도 죽일 수 없었던 차별
