최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

메이지시대 문학계에 나타난 교쿠테이 바킨(曲亭馬琴)의 영향

The Influence of Kyokutei Bakin in the Literary World of the Meiji Period: Focusing on Tsubouchi Shoyo and Yamada Bimyo

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2021..92.019
  • 10


Japan, which entered the Meiji era and established a modern national system, has undergone many social and cultural changes. With the active introduction of the Western culture, modernization took place rapidly in various fields. The Japanese literary world was placed in this social and cultural modernization trend. Yamada Bimyo is a highly renowned writer who introduced the innovative style of word-sentence matching into a novel. He deviated from the sentences seen in the existing Gesaku and tried to refine sentences by accepting the Western linguistics. In 󰡔Tatekotozoshi󰡕, he called himself 「KyokuteiBakinⅡ」, revealing that he was influenced by Bakin. Also, Tsubouchi Shoyo is a novelist and critic who was active in the modern era of Japan. 󰡔ShosetsuShinzui󰡕, which describes the principles and techniques of novels, is a collection of reviews that triggered the transition from the traditional literature to the modern literature, faced by the Japanese literary world at the time. He also criticized and accepted Bakin, pointing out that the Japanese literary world was heavily influenced by him, and insisted that it should move away from him. Bakin’s work, representing the late Edo period, was steadily read by the Japanese even in the Meiji period. The early Meiji period can be said to be a time when the new modern literary trend and the characteristics of Bakin’s literature appeared together.

1. 머리말

2. 메이지시대에 보이는 에도시대 작품의 평가

3. 야마다 비묘의 『다테코토조시』

4. 쓰보우치 쇼요의 『소설신수』

5. 맺음말

