최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

모리사키 가즈에 문학에 나타난 식민지조선

Colonial Korea Described in the Kazue Morisaki’s Literature: Reconstruction of Colonial Experiences through Kintaro Osaka

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2021..92.018
  • 36


In this article, I examined the ways in which Kazue Morisaki’s experience in Colonial Korea has been historically and socially remembered and reconstructed. I suggested that Kazue Morisaki, a second generation in colonial Korea, represents continuation and discontinuation of the first generation’s perspective about Chosun and Japan. First of all, as a Japanese repatriate in the post-war era, She tried to disconnect her colonial experience from the perspective of the first generation by reflecting on the memories and experiences of the colonies under the tension with Japan at the time. Next, She reconstructed her own memories and experiences by continuously learning through the documents related to the colony written in Japanese, and by comparing them with the history of Japan and Asia. This can be seen in Gyeongju, the Sound of my mom’s call. She reconstructed her colonial experiences through thoughts of Kintaro Osaka or such first generation’s persons. Kintaro Osaka showed trust in Koreans and affection for Silla’s unique legends and culture, but it ultimately gave rise to irony that set a good example of the theory of same ancestry of Japanese and Korean. Therefore, Morisaki’s perspetive on ‘Gyeongju’ as a place of her identity is continuous to the first generation in colonial korea as ‘good discriminators’ too.

1. 머리말

2. 전후 일본의 재조일본인

3. 식민 1세들의 조선담론

4. 식민지 경험의 재구성

5. 결론

