최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

완본(完本) 『고니시 일행기(小西一行記)』의 발견이 임진왜란 문헌군 연구에서 지니는 의의에 대하여

On the Newly Discovered, Perfectly Preserved Manuscript of KonishiIkkōki

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2021..92.014
  • 89


KonishiIkkōki is a unique military novel written in premodern Japan because the name of Konishi Yukinaga, the anti-hero in Tokugawa period, was used as the title. Three incomplete manuscripts of KonishiIkkōki had been known until 2013 when the perfectly preserved manuscript of it, called Hirado version, was discovered by Toritsu Ryōji and became owned by the Uto City Board of Education, Kumamoto. In this paper, inspired by this discovery, I organized the bibliography of the 4 manuscripts of KonishiIkkōki and examined the position of KonishiIkkōki in works on Imjin Wars(1592~1598) written and read in premodern Japan. By the discovery of Hirado version of KonishiIkkōki, which is the only complete version among the four existing manuscripts, it was possible to clarify the whole picture of KonishiIkkōki. The title of KonishiIkkōki came from the name of Konishi Yukinaga, the greatest anti-hero in the Edo period. But it turned out that the true hero of this document is Matsura Shigenobu, the ancestor of the Matsura clan of the Hiradodomain. The prototype of KonishiIkkōki was probably formed in Tsushima domain, the dominion of the Sō clan in the 19th century, but it is presumed that it was at the Hirado domain that KonishiIkkōki took on the current shape.

1. 히라도본 『고니시 일행기』의 발견 경위와 의의

2. 『고니시 일행기』의 서지적 검토

3. 에도시대의 임진왜란 문헌군에서 『고니시 일행기』가 차지하는 위상

4. 향후 과제

