최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

해시태그를 통한 SNS 결과물 공유에서 보이는 한국인의 일본어 사용 및 특성 분석

Analysis of Koreans’ Use of Japanese and Its Characteristics in the Sharing of Posts with Hashtags

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2021..92.009
  • 135


In this article, we analyze Koreans’ use of Japanese in SNS posts and its characteristics in order to see how the Korean society accepts Japanese cultures and the Japanese language. Primary results are condensed into the following four points. First, the analysis of sharing occurrences of information with hashtags confirms that people of the Korean society are interested in Japanese food cultures. Second, Japanese is dominant for expressions such as #돈까스[돼지고기튀김] and #땡땡이[물방울무늬], whilst Koreanification is observed in expressions such as #양파[다마네기], #끝[시마이], and #많이[이빠이]. Third, the Koreanified forms and their meanings diverge in expressions such as #가라오케[노래방], #찌라시[전단지], and #나와바리[구역]. This suggests that these expressions have acquired new meanings in Korean. Fourth, Japanese has rapidly reflected social changes. Another characteristic of SNS Japanese is that semantic deepening and recreation have occurred in expressions such as 간지템, 홈자카야, and 가오충.

1. 머리말

2. 선행연구 검토 및 문제 제기

3. 조사개요

4. 분석 및 고찰

5. 맺은말

