This study was performed to examine the effects of chaff as a bulking material on temperature, pH, weight and volume reduction and salinity in aerobic composting of food wastes. Volume ratios of food wastes to chaff in reactor of Control, Ch-1. Ch-2, Ch-3 and Ch-4 were 4:0, 4:1, 4:2, 4:3 and 4:4. respectively. Reactors were operated for 24 days with 1 hour stirring by 1 rpm and 2 hours aeration per day. The lowering of the volume ratio of food wasted to chaff resulted in the reaction at higher reaction temperature and the elongation of the high temperature reaction period. The lowering of the volume ratio of food wastes to chaff resulted in the more faster pH increase. The lowering of the volume ratio of food wastes to chaff resulted in the more faster reduction in the weight and the volume of wastes. Salinities were condensed by reaction days. The final salinity of Control and the final range of salinities of chaff mixtures were 2.79%, and 2.18~2.37%. respectively.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구방법
Ⅲ. 결과 및 고찰
Ⅳ. 결 론
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