In this study, lots of methods have been studing to utilize energy and decrease contaminated effluents. There has been great progress on IGCC (Integrated gasification combined cycle) to reduce thermal energy losses. The following results have been conducted from desulfurization experiments using waste shell to remove H₂S. Fixed bed desulfurization experiments, to obtain basic data for scale-up was indicated. Oyster was the best among the various sorbents, like the results of TGA. Especially, H₂S removal efficiency of uncalcined oyster was the highest. When use oyster as desulfurization sorbents, calcination process was not needed. Thus, high desulfurization efficiency would be expected. Fixed bed reactor experiments were indicated particle size of sorbents. These had influenced on desulfurization capacity. As smaller particle size was found better desulfurization capacity. Large capacity difference was found between 0.613 mm and 0.335 mm. But, differences between 0.335 mm and 0.241 mm was relatively small. As bed temperature increased, H₂S removal capacity increased. Therefore, both particle size and bed temperature should be considered to remove H₂S by sorbents.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구방법
Ⅲ. 결과 및 고찰
Ⅳ. 결론