Nitric Oxide(NO) is produced in many organs of the body, including the lung and airways, and it is detectable in the exhaled air. The measurement of exhaled NO(eNO) provides a simple non-invasive means for measuring airway inflammation, such as asthma. We measured eNO among adult male workers to examine the distribution of eNO in healthy people and to find factors affecting eNO. We measured eNO in a sample of 921 adult workers who also performed lung function test and skin prick test. Exhaled NO was measured in a sitting posture without using a nose clip and NO free gas. NO was measured at three expiratory rates(l8; 42; 71 mℓ/sec) and the flow rate of 71 mℓ/sec was used in analysis. The average eNO concentration was 5.29 ± 2.98 ppb. The level increased with age but not significantly(P=0.0529). Exhaled NO showed positive relations to the height(P=0.0001), pollen 1 (P=0.0124), asthma history(P=0.0212), allergic rhinitis symptom(P=0.0302). Exhaled NO Concentration of smokers( 4.62 ppb) was significantly lower than that of nonsmokers(5.99 ppb; P<0.0001).
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구방법
Ⅲ. 결과 및 고찰
Ⅳ. 결론