The objectives of this study were to evaluate personal exposure estimated using a time activity pattern and microenvironmental model. The study was carried out for 44 children attending a primary school nearby the lines (school A) and 125 children attending a school away from 154 kV power lines (school B). For children attending school A, the estimated personal level was a little weak correlated with the measured level(Pearson r = 0.34~0.35). For children attending school B, the correlation was very low (Pearson r = 0.09~0.16) using the TWA Model II, otherwise, TWA Model II-1 which considered the average residential MF level according to the distance from the power line and home explained 39~53% of the correlation in MF personal exposures. The estimated personal exposure level was very well represented by the measured exposure level using TWA Model II-2 which consisted on spot and 24 h stationary measurements at subject s home (Pearson r = 0.65~0.85). In conclusion, personal magnetic field expsoure estimated using a TWA Model II-2 should be provided for a reasonable estimate of measured exposure in schoolchildren living near the power line.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구대상 및 방법
Ⅲ. 결과 및 고찰
Ⅳ. 결론