Extract of DNA for analysis of fragile X syndrome is usually performed by blood, the researches using hair root as specimen have been gradually spread. In this study, analyze fra X gene of the patients in mentally retarded children facilities was conducted using hair root DNA with molecular biologic test (PCR). The number of total subjects was 24, boys were 12, the average age was 17(3), and girls were 12, the average age was 18(2). In girls, normal size of band of 222bp appeared in all lanes. Also, in all lanes except control in 517bp, micro band appeared. Moreover, with appearance of band of 1198bp in lanes 2, 3, 4, 5, it is estimated that it is the band of full mutation whose CGG repeated sequences are more than 200. But it showed the peculiarity that it appeared with normal band in all the same lanes, thus it is not reasonable to judge it is the band of full mutation and further studies are needed. These results appeared in 50%, 6 of 12 mentally retarded girls. As the result of mentally retarded boys, normal band appeared in about 222bp in control, however in experiment group, normal band did not appear. In 43%, 7 out of 12 boys, band did not either appeared in 1198bp, which showed different patterns from that of girls.
Materials and Methods