최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

Characteristics of Nano-Particles Exhausted from Diesel Passenger Vehicle with DPF

  • 3

The nano-particles are known to influence the environmental protection and human health. The relationships between transient vehicle operation and nano-particle emissions are not well-known, especially for diesel passenger vehicles with DPF(Diesel Particulate Filter). In this study, two diesel passenger vehicles were measured on a chassis dynamometer test bench. The particulate matter (PM) emission of these vehicles was investigated by number and mass measurement. The mass of the total PM was evaluated using the standard gravimetric measurement method, and the total number concentrations were measured on a ECE15+EUDC driving cycle using Condensation Particle Counter (CPC). According to the investigation results, total number concentration was 1.141011 and mass concentration was 0.71mg/km. About 99% of total number concentration was emitted during the 0400s because of engine cold condition. In high temperature and high speed duration, the particulate matter was increased but particle concentration was emitted not yet except initial engine cold condition According to DPF performance deterioration, the particulate matter was emitted 2 times and particle concentration was emitted 32 times. Thus DPF performance deterioration affects particle concentration more than PM.



Results and Discussion

