This study was carried to investigate the characteristics of chloramination as a disinfection in drinking water distribution system. The raw water comes from midstream of Han river. In the range of pH 6~8, preformed chloramine of Cl2/NH3−N ratio 5:1 had the HPC inactivation of more than 99% with lower pH and shorter contact time and available chloramine residual was decreased a little. In the chloramines of Cl2/NH3−N ratio 3:1~5:1, the higher Cl2/NH3−N ratio, the much inactivation of HPC was increased, but as contact time was longer, HPC inactivation of Cl2/NH3−N ratio 3:1~5:1 were equaled. Bactericidal activity of three chlorine and postammoniation was influenced by free available chlorine completely and that of preammoniation was as follows : free chlorine [Math Processing Error]≒postammoniation>preammoniation>preformed chloramine.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 실험재료 및 방법
Ⅲ. 결과 및 고찰
Ⅳ. 결론