최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

심층인터뷰방식을 적용한 지구단위계획의 문제점과 개선방안 연구

A Study on Problems and Improvement of District Level Planning by In-Depth Interview Method

DOI : 10.21447/jup.2021.12.1.179
  • 58

Since district level planning was introduced in Korea, the need to actively respond to such changes has emerged as city functions have become a complex, low-growth, and consumer-oriented society. Thus, this study tried to derive problems and improvements necessary to respond to changes in society in terms of placing an order, planning, and operating district level plans, and to create and maintain effective plans through an in-depth interview of related participants. The improvements derived through the research are, first, it is necessary to deviate from the engineering-centered system and the institutional support must precede on which experts in each field, second, the method of resident participation should deviate from the current formal way and secure active and diverse communication channels, third, in order to strengthen the competence of public officials, professionalism and efficiency must be improved through consistent work performance via the improvement of the rotational position system, fourth, management by a master planner should be carried out to consistently promote the operation of district level plans with the vision of the region.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 관련제도 및 선행연구 고찰

Ⅲ. 지구단위계획의 문제점 및 주체별 인식차이 분석

Ⅳ. 결 론

