The participants in this study were university students, who are mil ennials and familiar with various devices and SNS enabling hyper con ection, such as smartphones, the Internet, and the Internet of Things. People are sustaining their relationships with others by using the latest technology and cut ing-edge devices at wil . Some purchases are made at of line stores through online information, but products are checked through of line stores and purchased online. The MZ generation, which does not always have a fixed and constant behavioral response pat ern, was considered a participant in this study because the response pat ern may vary depending on one s tendency to avoid uncertainty. As a result of experimenting with the MZ generation, similar results were found in al dependent variables. Advertorial and general ads treated as independent variables af ected the participants tendency to avoid uncertainty. In other words, uncertainty avoidance tendency and interaction ef ect were found as a result of verifying the ef ects on the dependent variable of ads type. In an advertorial, the group with low uncertainty avoidance tendencies showed higher dependent variable ef ects than the group with high uncertainty avoidance tendencies; in general ads, uncertainty avoidance tendencies were higher. The higher group showed higher dependent variable ef ects than the lower group. Therefore, the group with a low tendency to avoid uncertainty has a high level of dependent variable ef ects in the advertorial, and the group with high uncertainty avoidance tendency performs self-interpretation in general ads.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
Ⅲ. 연구방법
Ⅳ. 연구결과
Ⅴ. 결론 및 시사점