CMIT/MIT 함유 가습기 살균제 제품의 제조 및 판매기업 형사판결 1심 재판 판결문에 대한 과학적 고찰 (II) - 동물실험, 폐 손상 판정기준, 개인 인과
A Scientific Critique of a Korean Court’s Acquittal for Involuntary Manslaughter Related to 5-chloro-2-methylisothiazol-3(2H)-one/ 2-methylisothiazol-3(2H)-one (CMIT/MIT), a Humidifier Disinfectant (HD) Part II: Animal experiments, criteria for HD lung injury, and causality on individual levels
- 한국환경보건학회
- 1. 한국환경보건학회지
- 제47권 제3호
- : KCI우수등재
- 2021.06
- 193 - 204 (12 pages)
Objectives: In January 2021, the former heads of the manufacturer SK Chemical and the vendor Aekyung were acquitted for manufacturing and selling humidifier disinfectant (HD) containing 5-chloro-2-methylisothiazol- 3(2H)-one/2-methylisothiazol-3(2H)-one (CMIT/MIT). In this article, we analyzed the rationale used in this judgement in the light of scientific consideration. Methods: The sentencing document for the judgements was obtained from the Korea Supreme Court Service. In particular, the judgements made by the court related to the toxicological and individual association with HD perspectives were discussed based on scientific evidence. Results: The ruling stated that the necessary conditions for causality between CMIT/MIT and such diseases were not met based on the fact that asthma and lung damage were not found in the inhalation exposure animal experiments. The judgment overlooked the inevitable limitations of using animal experiments for verifying health effects in humans, which are often inconsistent with the observations in animals. Among 11 government-affirmed lung injury cases with CMIT/MIT usage, three patients’ humidifier disinfectant-associated lung injury (HDLI) pathology proved that CMIT/MIT could cause lung injury similar to that caused by PHMG and PGH. In addition, five children showed decreased lung function related to damage caused by humidifier disinfectant exposure. Conclusions: We conclude that there is sufficient evidence supporting the assertion that HDs containing CMIT/ MIT cause lung injuries, including asthma, contrary to the court’s decision.
I. 서 론
II. 연구 방법
III. 결과 및 고찰
IV. 결 론
감사의 글