최근 검색어 전체 삭제

3차 의료기관에서 가정간호 기반 가정 주치의 사업 증례 및 제언

Experiences and Suggestions Regarding Home Care Nursing Services Directed by Family Physician in a Tertiary Hospital

DOI : 10.15656/kjcg.2021.22.1.47
  • 111

One of the most serious problems in Korea in the recent years is the aging society. In the future, the proportion of elderly people aged ≥65 years is expected to increase rapidly, with an expected corresponding rise in medical expenses. However, the capacity of admission is not going to increase enough as expansion of elderly people in the future, which is the problem our society is facing. In our hospital, we introduced the Home Care Nursing Services directed by Family Physician (HCNSFM) program in 2017. This system was established to provide additional medical treatment and nursing facilities to patients treated at the hospital and to ensure the maintenance of necessary treatments in their community. Candidates of the HCNSFM program may include bed-ridden elderly patients, patients with dementia or cerebral infarction, patients with chronic respiratory diseases, patients needing additional treatment after cancer surgery, patients who were recommended to stay at home after chemotherapy, and patients who are expected to experience emergency situations. The aim of the HCNSFM program is to provide continuous medical care and helps patients return to their daily lives without anxiety as early as possible. This will allow hospital specialties to focus on more severe and complicated cases in the tertiary hospital.

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