In the 1990s, Japanese society experiences a fast conservative swing. Biased media environment and political landscape lead to specific phenomena like the birth of right-wingers on the Internet, creating a threatening environment for minorities in Japan. Zenya experiments on ‘criticism crossing different areas’ with the solidarity of the left-wing group in Japan. To members of the magazine, Japan in the 2000s was not much different from what it used to be under imperialism in the old days when Japan dreamed of a socialist revolution. They tenaciously track the origin of the ‘nation-state’ based on the diagnosis that Japan’s harsh reality is being repeated without learning from history. The impact of the resistant voice raised by Zenya on contemporary Japanese society is yet to be known, even though a long time has passed. However, their shouts in the early 2000s marked a significant objection to the numerous contradictions faced by Japanese society, and the magazine certainly left small but clear footsteps in the media history or cultural history of Japan.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 진보적 문화 교류의 전개와 잡지미디어
Ⅲ. 신(新) 사상운동의 태동과 『전야』의 창간
Ⅳ. 문화를 통한 저항의 ‘외침’, 『전야』
Ⅴ. 맺음말