최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

근대일본의 스포츠를 둘러싼 정치학과 식민지 조선

Politics and colonial Choseon surrounding sports in modern Japan-The Whereabouts of Sports Discourse and the Body of the Nation-

DOI : 10.35647/kjna.2021.40.207
  • 37


This thesis examines how modern Japan’s perception of sports and sports activities functioned and developed in colonial choseon. Also, in this process, we examined what kind of sports discourse was involved in the process of cultivating the body of the colonial Koreans into a regulated “national body” by Imperial Japan. Initially, the athletics competition between Japan and Germany, which was held for the purpose of national integration and nationalism enhancement of imperial Japan, overcoming inferiority complex to the West, and restoring self-confidence, was held in colonial Choseon as the physical of imperial Japan. It added the purpose of propaganda to promote the physical superiority of Imperial Japan and the legitimacy of colonial rule. In addition, the nationalism of colonial Choseon, which had been increasing with the victory of Sohn Kee-chung at the Berlin Olympics marathon, produced a state of conflict with the nationalism of Imperial Japan. However, the limits of the suppression of colonial power and the magnetic field of control could not be get over. In particular, sports in colonial Joseon were transformed into a means of fulfilling the political demands of imperial Japan by presupposing the purpose of imperial mythology and strengthening combat power due to the emergence of the colonial rule of ideology of being unified and the deepening of the war system. In the end, the sports promoted and pursued by Imperial Japan in colonial Joseon functioned as a device to regulate the individual body as the “The Body of the Nation”. It can be said that it was used as a mechanism for converting individual values into national values through increased combat power.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 스포츠와 사상선도

Ⅲ. 「일독대항경기」와 식민지 조선

Ⅳ. 베를린올림픽 마라톤 우승을 둘러싼 담론의 상극

Ⅴ. 식민지 조선의 스포츠 담론의 행방

Ⅵ. 맺음말

