재일본 조선학교 사회과 교과서의 연도별 비교분석
Analysis on How Textbooks Used in Joseon Schools Describe South and North Korea and Japan -Focusing on Social Studies for 3rd Graders in Junior Class after 1970s-
This study examined a change in how Joseon schools thought social studies by comparatively analyzing four social studies textbooks for 3rd graders in junior high schools, which were published after 1970s. It simultaneously used both quantitative and qualitative methods. Such a change in social studies was initially verified from their covers. The composition systems of them also gradually shifted from explanations about Kim Ilseong’s instructions to learning about modern people’ life, Japanese society and the society of Korean residents. It analyzed the contents of them, around descriptions about Korean residents-related South and North Korea and Japan. In social studies textbooks, the terms including ‘South Joseon’ and ‘homeland(Joguk)’ were steadily decreased before the textbooks published in 2005, indicating that the contents about South and North Korea were gradually reduced. In particular, the contents about ‘South Joseon’, South Korea disappeared in the textbooks published in 1994. South Joseon-related ‘South Korea’ and ‘the Republic of Korea’ began to reappeared in the textbooks published in 2005, as 6.15 South-North Joint Statement was announced in 2000. The contents about ‘homeland’, North Korea were relatively reduced, as the portions of Japanese society and the world were increased since the 5th curriculum. It is also found that ‘republic’ was actually used rather than ‘homeland, as a term representing North Korea’. In addition, ‘Japan’ had been scarcely used until 1994, but was increasingly used since the 5th curriculum. This study has an implication, in that it attempted to systematically analyze the social studies textbooks which have not been researched among all textbooks in Joseon schools.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 조선학교의 교육과정과 사회과 교육
Ⅲ. 중급 3학년 사회 교과서의 분석 결과
Ⅳ. 맺음말