최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

1980년대 한일 지식인 교류와 역사인식

Exchanges between Korean and Japanese intellectuals and Their Historical Awareness in the 1980s

DOI : 10.35647/kjna.2021.40.119
  • 78


This article analyzed the historical awareness of the “Japan-Korea Talks” organized twice by Yomiuri Shimbun in 1982 and 1984 to find out how the civil society of Korea and Japan established the “New Korea-Japan/ Japan-Korea Era” with its arrival in the 1980s. The results are as follows: First, a history conflict that occurred between Korea and Japan in 1982 over the first history textbook issue existed in the background of planning the talks. However, because it could be sensitive, the talks took the form of free discussion by participants without having a moderator. This demonstrates the nature of the talks, which were designed with the intention of respecting the participants’ “opinions” more, as participants were able to speak freely by shifting various topics. Second, given that the Korean participants engaged in the talks in Japanese without an interpreter, “sharing” of Japanese language or Japanese cultural symbols formed the implicit basis of communication. This is thought to have been possible in that Korean participants were “generations who directly remembered Japan’s colonial rule.” Of course, both Korean and Japanese shared a critical view of Japan’s colonial rule. However, in the talks, the ‘view’ failed to overcome the concept of ‘nationalism’ that developed in ‘Korea’ and ‘Japan’ after modern times, rather ‘agreed’ to acknowledge each other’s existing ‘nationalism’. Third, the Japan-Korea Talks implicitly “avoided” the political situation of the division of the Korean Peninsula. This can also be interpreted as the result of an implicit “agreement” with each other due to the “selfconsciousness” of conservative intellectuals who consciously “distanced” themselves from Japan’s progressive intellectuals who maintained a North Korea-friendly position in the political reality of “division” based on the ideology of left and right, which was represented by 『Sekai』. As above, the 1982 and 1984 Japan-Korea Talks, organized by Yomiuri Shimbun, showed that the boundary of historical awareness agreed by civil society between Korea and Japan in the 1980s was conservatism of Korea and Japan.

Ⅰ. 들어가며: 한일 신시대의 도래, 그리고 새로운 역사 갈등의 시작

Ⅱ. 왜 기획되었을까

Ⅲ. 누가 참가하였을까

Ⅳ. 무엇을 토론하였을까

Ⅴ. 나오며 : ‘인간적 차원의 상호이해’에서 ‘국가적 차원의 역사인식’의 차이로

