최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

The Effects of the Perception of TAEKWONDO Demonstration Team Activities on the Image of Centers and the Intention to Join Trainees

DOI : 10.22471/martialarts.2021.6.2.10
  • 4

Purpose: The promotion, program, facility, and environmental factors of Taekwondo centers affect the image of Taekwondo centers, and the image of Taekwondo centers affects the continuation of training and word-of-mouth intention. The program also showed that Taekwondo demonstration activities had an effect on the image of the centers, but the study was conducted on parents and there was a lack of contents on the effect of the demonstration activities on the trainees in addition to the management factors. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of Taekwondo demonstration team activities showing various skills on the im-age of centers and the intention of general trainees to join the training Method: The participants of this study were 190 general trainees from 4th to 6th grade of elementary school who had been trained for at least one year at five Taekwondo centers operating a front-line demonstration team in Seoul and Northern Gyeonggi-do, and were sampled using a convenience sampling method among non-prob-ability sampling methods. Among the collected questionnaires, all 162 were judged to be reliable except for 28 data that were judged to be unreliable, and the analysis was conducted based on a total of 162 questionnaires. Results: A regression analysis of the effect of the perception of demonstration team activities on the image of centers(operation) showed that personality cultivation effect(p=0.000) has a positive(+) effect on the image of operations at a statistically significant level, with an influence of 0.420. In addition, the regression model shows p=0.000, F=9.636 and the regression analysis formula shows R2=0.236, which shows the explanatory power of 23.6% of the total variance. Conclusion: First, the perception of the demonstration team activities affects the painting image. Specifically, the effect of personality cultivation affects the operation and leadership, the effect of personality cultivation, physical effect, and technological development affect the expertise, and the effect of personality cultivation and technological development affect the social service. Second, the perception of the demonstration team activities affects the intention to join trainees. Specifically, the psychological effect and the personality cultivation effect affect the intention to join trainees. Third, the image of centers affects the intention to join trainees. Specifically, the social service affects the intention to join trainees.

1. Introduction

2. Methods

3. Results

4. Discussions

5. Conclusion and Suggestion

6. References

7. Appendix
