Exploring the Experiences of Chinese Wushu Majors in Their Career Transition to Korean TAEKWONDO Leaders
- International Journal of Martial Arts
- vol.6 no.2
- : KCI등재후보
- 2021.06
- 1 - 9 (9 pages)
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to apply a phenomenological approach, a qualitative research method, to explore the common experiences of Wushu majors in China in the process of giving up their move-ments and transitioning to Korean Taekwondo leaders. Method: For the selection of participants in the study, 6 participants aged 27 to 30 years old with experience in Wushu with more than 10 years of experience in competition as a student athlete were selected as a purpos-ive sampling method among nonprobability sampling. In the analysis process, through the analysis framework of Giorgi s 4th stage the analysis process is conducted to identify text content from a holistic perspective, seg-mentation of semantic units, transformation into academic language, and integrating the converted semantic units into a structure. Results: The results of the study were divided into situational structured statements and general structured statements, and in the situational structured statement, 5 elements, 16 sub-elements, and a total of 54 seman-tic units were found. According to the data analysis, five major components were found in the meaning of a Chinese Wushu major s career transition to a Korean Taekwondo leader: a hardened Wushu education sys-tem , a lack of Wushu operation management system , choice of Taekwondo as a popular job , and regret and desire of giving up on Wushu . Conclusion: This study suggest in concrete and vivid language why Wushu majors, who represent Chinese culture and are loved by Chinese people, switch to Taekwondo leaders. It was possible to examine the reasons why Wushu majors drop out, and through this, it was possible to discover the intrinsic and external problems perceived by Wushu majors. In addition, it is said that the research is meaningful in that it has suggested pro-posal for the sustainable development of Wushu majors through the research results.
1. Introduction
2. Methods
3. Results
4. Conclusion and Recommendations
5. References
6. Appendix