최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

A Study on How to Expand the Role of MILITARY Mobilization Forces in the Event of a National Disaster -Focusing on the Local Government and Regional Reserve Forces-

DOI : 10.22471/military.2021.6.2.39
  • 12

Purpose: This pater proposes a plan to expand the role of Regional Reserve Forces(RRF) as a key mobilization force for regional defense, in the event of a national disaster, and to more effectively support the disaster re-sponse of the local community. It also proposes a desirable policy direction for the advancement of cooperative governance of local communities on disasters toward international cooperative security against non-traditional threats. Method: Firstly, it analyzed laws and regulations related to disaster and RRF, and then reviewed the reality of the organization and formation of Regional Defense Battalions(RDB), Local Government’s Disaster & Safety Countermeasures Headquarters(DSCHQ), Defense Integrated Disaster Management Information System(DID-MIS), and compensation costs, etc. In addition, the analysis of Disaster Mobilization cases and the opinions of experts were reflected. Results: ‘The disaster mobilization of RRF must be clearly and concretely presented in relevant laws and reg-ulations. Mobilization requirements give flexibility to mobilize from the beginning of the disaster, but the dead-line must be strictly specified. If Part-time Reservist are employed as liaison officers, disaster officers, and military affairs cooperation officers of local governments, it is possible to expect not only the disaster management of local governments but also the development of the Regional Integrated Defense System(RIDS). Conclusion: One of the important missions of the reserve forces is to protect the lives and property of the people from disasters and to support the local community. The disaster management of local governments in the future will require more military support. Therefore, the disaster management should be given high priority to national policy. Furthermore, a disaster management agenda that can lead the international community should be drawn up, and the role and contribution of the RRF to the international community should be sought.

1. Introduction

2. Korea s Disaster Management System and the Role of the Military

3. Conclusion

4. References

5. Appendix
