The Effects of National Examination PROTECTION Convergence Education Program on Ego-Resiliency, Social Support, and Job-Seeking Stress of Senior Nursing Students
- Protection Convergence
- Protection Convergence vol.6 no.2
- : KCI등재후보
- 2021.06
- 1 - 13 (13 pages)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of the National Examination Protection Conver-gence Education Program conducted through 18 sessions for underperforming nursing students on their ego-resiliency, social support, and job-seeking stress Method: The National Exam Protection Convergence Education Program comprised of special lectures for eight subjects of the national examination for nurses was carried out by full-time professors of each of the ma-jor subjects three times a week for a total of 18 sessions. It is one group pretest-posttest quasi-experimental research comparing 66 nursing students with an average GPA of 3.0 or less(out of 4.5) before and after the education program. The participants were interviewed by academic advisers from time to time. Method: General characteristics were examined by actual numbers and percentages and pre-post analysis of ego-resiliency, social support, and job-seeking stress for the national examination education program was conducted through paired sample t-test using SAS 9.3 program. Results: As a result of analyzing the changes in ego-resiliency, social support, and job-seeking stress before and after the National Examination Protection Convergence Education Program, it was found that the average for ego-resiliency and social support significantly increased from 3.52 to 3.78(t=5.16, p=<.000) and 3.89 to 4.04(t=2.61, p=<.011), respectively. On the other hand, no significant difference was found in job-seeking stress before and after the program(t=1.15 p=.253). Conclusion: The study was conducted to understand the effects of a national examination education pro-gram by making comparisons of data obtained before and after an 18-session, 40-hour education program for underperforming students, and it revealed significant differences in ego-resiliency and social support before and after the education program; however, there found no change in job-seeking stress.
1. Introduction
2. Method
3. Result
4. Review
5. Conclusion
6. References
7. Appendix