최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

Reforming Tool to Measure MEDICAL ETHICS CONSCIOUSNESS of Korean Young Students

DOI : 10.22471/value.2021.6.2.72
  • 14

Purpose: This study complements some of the limitations of the past developed tool for measuring medical ethics consciousness of Korean young students. Method: This study was based on the past tool which was developed according to G. Lind of Germany. The validity process followed the verification procedure of Moral Competence Test (MCT) proposed by G. Lind. To get much higher validation, this study got advices from 3 specialist in the sphere of moral education. Results: This study adopted the result of the past medical ethics consciousness measurement tool. Its whole validation did cover three major processes, preference hierarchy by moral development, affective-cognitive par-allelism test, quasi-simplex structure of inter-correlations between the six moral orientations test by L. Kohlberg. This past tool showed weakness in the point of preference hierarchy test. Especially the tool got some strange situation at 1st stage and 4th stage. To back up this weakness, we made a decision to receive specialists’ advices. So we interviewed 3 people who is professor or research fellow in the sphere of moral education. We could arrived at more advanced level for medical ethics consciousness. Conclusion: This study showed the more advanced medical ethics consciousness tool. Next time it is necessary to generalized through deep research using much broader topics in the medical ethics.

1. Introduction

2. Overview on the Past Tool to Measure Medical Ethics Consciousness

3. Improvement for the Past Medical Ethics Consciousness Measurement Tool

4. Conclusion

5. References

6. Appendix
