최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


A Study on the Image of Ugly Characters in Jeon by Lee Ok in View of the Appreciation of Ugliness

DOI : 10.35222/IHSU.2021.40.2.5
  • 5


Jeon, also known as biography, is a literary genre which portrays and appraises a person’s life. In the latter of Chosun Dynasty, the subject of Jeon expanded to ordinary people, showing a diversity of contents and characters. As one of the most representative biographers in the latter of Chosun Dynasty, Lee Ok created a series of ugly characters, reflecting a distinct consciousness of the appreciation of ugliness. Therefore, under the horizon of the appreciation of ugliness, this paper will analyze the types of ugly characters from the perspective of Karl Rosenkranz and Li Zehou’s theory of the appreciation of ugliness, and then apply James Phelan’s theory of three-dimension character to explore the aesthetic functions of characters from the mimetic, thematic and synthetic aspects.

I. 序论

II. 李钰“传”中丑人形象的类型

III. 李钰“传”中丑人形象的美学功能

IV. 结论
