최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

‘우리 할머니’들의 이야기와 기억의 물화

The story of ‘Halmony(my grandmother)’ and the materialization of memories: The representation of Japanese military sexual slavery and Politics of good citizen

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Since first installed across the Japanese embassy in Seoul, 2011, Statue of Peace(‘Girl Statue’) has become the representative for the ‘Japanese military sexual slavery’. The short-haired Joseon girl, who clenched her fist while sitting in a chair, drew participation from citizens in various ways. Citizens carry out their memories by humanizing and caring for them. Girl Statue is a place for a daily activity of ‘flagging’ banal nationalism against Japanese Imperialism, which ‘Japanese military sexual slavery’ campaign and lead to product. From the bracelet or pin button to the Girl Statue, ‘Japanese military sexual slavery’ has represented as a butterfly or associated with a variety of flowers with bob-haired girl. It is materialized in a way that is comfortable for the public to accept, in a way that the public imagines. Warm-hearted consumers feel self-efficacy that they participate in civic movements and speak out by making a statue of a girl and purchasing a butterfly bracelet. The same is of the way the making of the statue spreads around the world around the Korean community, and it is introduced to Korean society again. But this way, Japan and ‘Japanese military sexual slavery’ is the memory of the present progressive form and the fact is that the representation of women s rights is often missing. In the way of seeing Japan as a combatant of the ‘Japanese military sexual slavery’ movement, the feminist perspective of ‘Japanese military sexual slavery’ activities is unseen. As a women rights activists, ‘Halmony(my grandmother)’ could appropriate that concept of the victim, and become a survivor to speak her voice. For that possibilities, the time has come to listen their stories beyond a national memory developed a vast skill set that emerges in ‘Japanese military sexual slavery’ discourse.

1. 짝패가 된 소녀상과 ‘위안부’

2. 소녀상의 수행성과 일상적 국민주의

3. 상품이 된 기억과 선량한 시민들의 소비

4. 페미니즘 없는 일본군 ‘위안부’ 운동과 트랜스내셔널한 소녀상

5. 나가며
