최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

1990년대 젠더화된 문단에서 페미니즘하기

Feminism in the gendered literary field of the 1990s: reading Kim, Jungran and Heo, Sookyung

  • 200

This paper is intended to re-establish the achievement of women s literature in the 90s by analyzing and considering various issues of feminist criticism in the 90s. First of all, this paper looked at the limited acceptance of feminism criticism in the male-centered literary field of the 90s. We looked at the controversies surrounding Kim, Jungran, a radical feminist poet and critic in the 90s, and pointed out the limitations of her argument that actively emphasized the Women s Poetry Movement. To sum up these discussions, the problems of women s literature discourse in the 90s are summarized into two categories: The fact that the question of feminism could not be extended to a universal problem in Korean literature, and at the same time, the practice within literature did not fully consider the contact with the reality outside of literature. Recognizing the importance of these issues, this article newly analyzed Heo, Sookyung s first collection of poems from a feminist perspective. It was intended to critically examine the criticisms of the time that read Heo, Sookyung s poems with the Practice of Great Motherhood, and to reveal that the reversal relationship between father and daughter, extracted from Heo, Sookyung s poems, confuses gender norms.

1. ‘그들’의 페미니즘: ‘김정란 죽이기’와 ‘김정란 구하기’

2. ‘여성적 글쓰기’와 ‘여성의 현실’

3. 여성적 서정시에서 ‘여성주의적 서정시’로―허수경의 경우

4. 결론을 대신하여
