Korea is in a strategic partnership with Vietnam, which has transitioned to a market economy system. Since 2014, Korea has ranked the first in Vietnam s foreign direct investment(FDI). It is known that North Korea is also considering introducing a Vietnamese market economy system. In this regard, research on the Civil Procedure Code(hereinafter referred to as ‘CPC’) of Vietnam is necessary. The characteristics of the CPC of Vietnam 2015 are as follows. ① the two-level adjudication regime with four tier court and the review on judgments/decisions which are legally effective, ② inspection and supervision of trial by prosecution service, ③ participation of People’s Jurors in adjudication of civil lawsuits, ④ inquisitorial system with elements of adversary system, ⑤ management of the trial system by the legal documents guiding the implementation of law and “answer” and ⑥ the persons with related interests and obligations are included in the concept of the involved parties. The CPC of Vietnam 2015 is based on the trial system of socialist country like USSR and China and was strongly influenced by the CPC of France.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 베트남 민사소송법의 개요
Ⅲ. 소송의 주체
Ⅳ. 민사 제1심 절차
Ⅴ. 민사 제2심 절차
Ⅵ. 간이절차에 따른 민사사건의 처리
Ⅶ. 확정된 판결 결정에 대한 재심사절차확정된 판결 결정에 대한 재심사절차
Ⅷ. 결어