최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

박정희 정부의 비동맹 외교 재조명

Reassessments of Park Jung-Hee Administration s Diplomacy towards Non-aligned Nations: Focusing on 1973-1976 UN General Assembly

DOI : 10.34266/jnks.2021.7.1.5
  • 122

The purpose of this study is to shed new light on the inter-Korean diplomatic war in the UN with the nominal end of inter-Korean detente since the 6.23 declaration. Changes in the landscape of the UN with U.S-China detente and non-aligned movement offered favorable conditions for North Korea to raise its voice in international society. Instead of revealing its offensiveness, North Korea carried out a peace offensive strategy by improving its relations with non-aligned nations and raising issues of UNCURK, withdraw of USFK and peace treaty to UN general assembly. In response, the Park Jung-hee administration made a full commitment and diplomatic efforts to deter North Korea s attempt to get the upper hand in the UN. Inter-Korean diplomatic war has been escalated since the 28th UN general assembly and culminated in the 30th assembly in 1975 with North Korea s joining the NAM(Non-Aligned Movement). However, continuous diplomatic efforts of the Park Jung-hee governments to extend its relations with non-aligned nations and strengthen its alliances with the U.S. and other neighboring countries have successfully deterred diplomatic challenges posed by North Korea. Furthermore, it became an asset for South Korea to continue carrying out Nothern politics in the 1980s. As the stark reality that Korean issues are inextricably linked to the international order still linger today, assessments of diplomatic war between North and South within the UN give new insights in designing a roadmap to peaceful unification.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 미중 데탕트 시기 북한의 비동맹 외교와 박정희 정부의 대응전략

Ⅲ. 제28차 유엔 총회에서의 한반도 문제 쟁점화

Ⅳ. 제29차, 제30차 유엔 총회에서의 남북 외교전

Ⅴ. 결론
