최근 검색어 전체 삭제

바이칼호 주변의 철륵(鐵勒) 3부(Bokhud, Bayirkhu, Khurigan) 고찰

  • 40

History in the area around Lake Baikal, from the ancient through modern age, is very unclear except that in a short period around A.D.647 as the early Tang Dynasty. Thus researches on the area’s history are very few even among researches on northern nomad peoples’ history. Recently, however, the author became to consider the possible errors in recorded classification about ethnics in Chinese literatures such as New History of the T’ang Dynasty(新唐書; Xin Tang shu) or Old History of the T’ang Dynasty(舊唐書; Jiu Tang shu). Based on the perspective, this article looked deeper true nature of three tribes as Bokhud(僕骨), Bayirkhu(拔野古), Khurigan(骨利幹) who lived around Lake Baikal in the period between The First Türk Empire(A.D.555~630) and The Second Türk Empire(A.D.682~745). For that, this study was conducted with archeological and cultural anthropological materials as well as following Chinese literatures: Comprehensive Statutes(通典; Tongdian), Institutional History of the Tang dynasty(唐會要; Tang Huiyao), Universal Geography of the Taiping Era(太平寰宇記; Taiping Huanyu Ji), New History of the T’ang Dynasty(新唐書), and Old History of the T’ang Dynasty(舊唐書). As the result, Bayirkhu(拔野古) tribe, Khurigan(骨利幹) and Tuba(都波) tribes who were firstly appeared in the early Tang period, are highly possible to have been native Mongol people around Lake Baikal from their origins. And it is also highly possible for the three tribes to be the ancient Mongol people appeared in The Secret History of the Mongols. On the viewpoint, it can be thought that Barkhujin area around Lake Baikal should be added to places where Mongol people is originated, not only middle and upper stream area of Heilongjiang(黑龍江; Manju. Sahaliyan ula) as their origin considered in existing views.

1. 머리말

2. 튀르크(Türk) 제국 시대의 철륵계 부족 개관

3. 보코드(Bokhud, 僕骨)部

4. 바이르코(Bayirkhu, 拔野古)部

5. 코리간(Khurigan, 骨利幹)部

6. 맺는 말

