최근 검색어 전체 삭제

Зүүн хойд Азийн бүс нутаг дахь Монгол улсын байр суурь

Mongolia’s Stance on Northeast Asian Region

For Mongolia, the Northeast Asian region has a very important role. Because in the broad sense, the two neighbors of Mongolia Russia and China within this region, as well as Japan and South Korea plays important role in foreign relations, commerce within “Third Neighbor” policies located in this region. In addition, the United States is paying close attention to its security, military strategy due to the international business interests in this region. Mongolia has recognized its “Nuclear-weapon-free zone” status from a permanent members of the Security Council of the United Nations, which is now considered as an inspirational experience for North Korea, which impedes the stability of the Northeast Asian region by nuclear weapons threats. The researcher proved the importance of Mongolia’s “Nuclear-weapon-free zone” status, “Ulaanbaatar’s Dialogue”, and Mongolia’s a policy that avoids any boundary, historical and territorial conflicts with its countries, to establish a peaceful system in the Northeast Asian region.

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Зүүн Хойд Азийн энх тайвны төлөөх Монгол улсын санаачилгууд

Монгол улсын бүс нутагтаа буй болгосон давуу талууд

