최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

군산시 가정 수돗물 및 실내 풀장수에 있어 THMs생성에 관한 연구

Survey of THMs Levels in Drinking Tap Water and Swimming Pool Water in Kunsan

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This study was carried out to survey trihalomethane(THMs) levels in drinking tap water and indoor swimming pool water in Kunsan and to improve the quality of public health. In drinking tap water, KumKang wide-area supply showed the much higher THMs level than the 2nd WPP(water purification plant) supply throughout the year. Its THMs levelin summer was close to the drinking water lirnit(100μg/l) for THMs. Of the 3 indoor swimming pools examined, B pool showed the highest THMs level with monthly variation range of 11~55 μg/l. THMs levels in all pools have a tendency to be highest in autumn. The ratio of CHC1₃ to total THMs changed monthly with large variation range in both drinking tap water and swimming pool water, being presumed to be due to the difference of water quality, water treatment or management system and seasonal factors . From these results, it may be needed to consider the establishment of limits for THMs in swimming pool water like that in drinking water.

I. 서론

II. 실 험

III. 결과 및 고찰

IV. 결 론
