Simple correlation analysis has been performed to analyzed between air pollutants and vehicle speed, length of underground roadway is used by passage and motorway. Measured pollutants was PM₁₀(particulate less than 10 μm), TSP(total suspended particulate) and NO₂(Nitrogen dioxide). All of the underground roadway higher than outdoor ambient. Therefore stagnation of particulate & NO₂ was accelerate in tunnel and PM₁₀, TSP and NO₂ have shown relative high positive correlation with length of underground roadway. Vehicle speed have shown significant R²(0.7241) with PM₁₀. The other hand is not significants R²(0.4212) with TSP. Between vehicle speed and NO₂ Regression curve and R² was indicated as 0.0415x²-2.875^x+ 115.31 and 0.653 respectively
I. 서론
II. 측정 및 분석방법
III. 결과 및 고찰
IV. 결론